Basis Five Apps

Vocal Coach, Singing Exercises 1.1.17
Basis Five
This app is for singers who wish to improvetheir vocal quality. You will improve your vocal intonation(capability to sing in tune) with the help of fully customizablesinging exercises.The pitch (frequency) of your voice is automatically detectedwhile you sing, so as to measure any intonation mismatch relativeto the perfect pitch.The app measures the intonation of your voice on every note yousing, so you know where you need to improve and how.The intonation accuracy is measured with great precision, in termsof semitone cents, or one hundredth of a semitone. At this level ofprecision any subtle difference relative to the ideal pitch can bedetected.While you sing, the app will show you the pitch variations of yourvoice in a clear graphical representation.Two different measures of intonation are available: instantintonation, calculated every few milliseconds, and averageintonation, for each note you sing. Ideally, you should try toobtainaverage errors of 10 cents or lower, which is a level acceptable bythe ear.You can configure the vocal exercises to best tailor your needs.These include scales, arpeggios, and randomly selected phrases ofnotes. You can also customize the lowest and the highest notes ofyour vocal range, and select the tonalities that you want topractice. When you exercise in the random mode, you can furtherselect the intervals you want to practice, so as to better focus onthe intervals you need to improve.UPDATE: You can now also use voice commands as an alternativeway to select the exercises, which gives you a more natural way tointeract with the app.At the beginning of each vocal exercise you hear the notesplayed by a piano. You can then either skip the exercise orpractice on it, as many times as you like. Sing the notes of theexercise, and at the end of each exercise you can see the averageintonation errors for each note. At the end of a session (or at anytime you wish) you can take a look at your overallperformance displayed on the "Performance" page. On this page youcan see the average intonation errors you made for each note yousung during the whole session, clearly laid out on a virtual pianokeyboard by means of color coded scores placed on each key.While gaining full control of your voice requires effort anddedication, we feel that this app can be really helpful towardsyour goal. We hope this app will make singing in tune a littleeasier and your vocal skills stronger. Let this app be yourpersonal vocal trainer!For comments and suggestions please write atinfo@basisfive.comThank you!
Learn to Sing In Tune 1.2.11
Basis Five
This app will help you learn to sing in tuneand learn to control the pitch of your voice. It's been designedfor singers who want to improve the accuracy of their voice'sintonation.You will improve your vocal skills by means of singing exercisesthat you can repeat as many times as you wish.Each time you sing an exercise, visual clues will inform you aboutthe accuracy of your voice intonation, so that by repeatedlysinging all the sounds in your vocal range you can learn to emitthose sounds at the correct pitch.In addition to single notes, you can also focus on intervals of twoconsecutive notes, again learning to properly produce the exactpitches for either note in the interval.In each exercise you will sing a group of four or eight notes thatthe app generates based on your settings.The notes of the exercises are drawn on the pentagram and played insequence.You can then start practicing with that sequence, either in thesame order or following any order of notes.You can sing any note for as long a duration as you wish, withoutworrying about the rhythm and the metric, but only paying attentionto good intonation and clarity of vocal tone.In this way you can best focus on your voice intonation, that isthe capability to sing with an accurate and stable pitch.When you sing a note, its pitch is automatically measured by theapp. The app will then highlight the note you are singing on thepentagram, along with indications of your intonation relative tothe perfect pitch.If you sing in tune (the pitch is correct within an error of 10semitone cents) the note is colored green, otherwise, if the pitchis not correct it will be colored red, for errors greater than 25cents, or yellow, for errors greater between 10 and 25 cents.Also, a small arrow placed next to the note you are singing willmake it clear what you need to do in order to correct yourintonation: an arrow pointing upwards placed under the noteindicates that you need to lower the pitch of your voice, while anarrow pointing downwards placed above the note indicates that youneed to raise your pitch.Feature list:- Practice with single notes, arpeggios, scales, and randomlygenerated exercises- Sing any note of any length- Measurement of instant intonation error- Average intonation error for each note you sing- Average intonation error calculated over the whole singingsession- Hear the pitch of the notes before you sing and while yousing- Pentagram with notes that react (change color) to yourvoice- Customizable exercises:- 24 tonalities (12 major and 12 minor)- 13 intervals- 3 exercise types (scale, arpeggio, random)- 2 clefs (g, or violin, and F, or bass)- Option to replace the F clef with the G clef transposed oneoctave down to represent low-pitched notesWhile gaining full control of your voice's pitch requires effortand dedication, we feel that this app can be really helpful towardsyour goal of learning to sing in tune.We hope this app will help you improve your intonation, and willmake your vocal skills stronger.For comments and suggestions please write atinfo@basisfive.comThank you!
Currency Converter 1.5.33
Basis Five
Free currency converter toconvert forex rates of all the major world currencies (euro dollarpound franc etc).It contains the historical charts of forex rates, withtrends information clearly showed.Unlike many similar apps, this currency converter uses itsown charts, to provide you with the best visual design.The charts show the points of minimum and maximum values reachedby the selected exchange rate.Supported currencies:- EUR- USD- GBP- JPY- SEK- CNY- CHF- NOK- HKD- CAD- and many othersFEATURES:1.CURRENCY CONVERTER- In a single screenshot you can convert currencies, specifying anamount of your choice of the base currency (example: 15 euro), andchoosing the destination currency among a customizable list offoreign currencies (eur usd gbp etc.);- You can change the base currency simply by touching anothercurrency already present in your list;- The list is customizable, so you can add/remove currencies thatyou are interested in;- By touching the converted value you can see the chart;2. FOREX (CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES)- In a single screenshot you can see the exchange rates of all thepairs (crosses) that you are interested in;- The list is customizable, so you can add/remove currencies thatyou are interested in;- By touching the values of the exchange rates you can open thechart;3. CHARTS (OF CURRENCY EXCHANGE RATES)- It’s possible to change the time interval of the charts (from onemonths to “all”);- Include a very informative “peak-analysis” function to understandat first glance the current and past trends;- A clear bar chart shows the variations of the exchange rate overvarious time intervals: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, andyearly.4. ALL-CURRENCIES COMPARE- It’s a sophisticated function of cross analysis of the exchangerates. You will be able to understand in a second which currencystrengthened (weakened) the most among the currencies that youselected, over the last month.This app is free!Data source: European Central Bank (ECB).You can obtain this data free of charge through the ECB'swebsite.
Music Maker Studio 1.0.7
Basis Five
Create your own music and songs and play witha multi-track MIDI sequencer.Turn your ideas into full songs; write and modify sections, chords,notes, and drum hits, quickly and productively.Immerse yourself in your music, make a song and play with more thanone hundred instruments.It combines several tools to let you quickly shape your songs whileexploring different ideas.For example you can try out different harmonies of a song section:write it once and hear how it sounds when played in different chordprogressions, with the one-of-its kind feature of automaticharmonic transposition.It includes a step sequencer for drum hits, a piano roll editor fordetailed note editing, a rhythm editor to try out different rhythmalternatives. Plus, organize your song into sections and modify andrepeat them at will. You will be amazed how fast, easy and funwriting music can be with this app.The sounds are produced by the MIDI synthesizer of your device, soyou can choose among all the 128 instruments specified by theGeneral MIDI standard, which include many types of guitars, basses,pianos, brasses, strings, pads, synthesizers, percussion, woods andsome effects.FEATURES- Multi-track sequencer;- 6 different editors;- 128 instruments;- Mixer to program each track's instrument and volume, and tomute/solo the tracks;- Automatic Harmonic Transposition: lets you apply different chordprogressions to the music you are writing, so as to choose whateversounds best;- Metronome;- Playing range selection;- Save and reuse groups of bars and chord progressions in othersongs and/or tracks;- Quickly copy and modify a section or an entire song;- Automatic saving at each modification of your composition;- Export to MIDI format: you can import the .mid file generated toyour preferred DAW and take it to the next level, with furthersound processing;- Export all your songs, groups of bars, and chord progressionsinto the external memory of your device, so you can import all yourlibrary to another device, or make a backup copy of yourwork;- Import from the external memory (what you have previouslyexported);- In-depth integrated user manual, with everything explained.MUSIC EDITORS- Song Section Editor: to organize the sections (verses,choruses, etc.);- Chords Editor: to write chord progressions;- Tracks Editor: to organize the bars of the multi-tracksequencer;- Notes Editor: to write notes into the tracks;- Drums Editor: step sequencer for percussive sounds;- Rhythm Editor: to write chords based on rhythm;WHAT THIS APP IS:- Simply put: it's a tool to write and make music (your ownmusic!) and we think it's quite good at it!- It assists your music-writing creative process, from initialideas to complete songs;- You can use it for any type of music compositions, and it'sparticularly suited to songs;- You can use it alone, or in combination with a DAW: first write amulti-track MIDI file, then import it in your DAW to apply audioeffects and do more elaborate mixing;- The benefits of using this app relative to another music editoris that it does things from the music composer point of view,rather than the sound/mixing engineer;WHAT THIS APP IS NOT:- It's not a tool to automatically generate music from loops oralgorithms, you are regarded as a music composer, not just auser;- It's not a one-fit-all tool: it excels in the creative,music-writing part of your work.WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM THIS APP:- Musicians, songwriters, composers, anyone who enjoys writing,composing and making music.You don't need to be a professional musician to use this app,but it's better if you know at least the basics of music theory(but don't worry if you don't because this app can be an invaluablelearning tool for you).This free version is fully functional so you can make a fullevaluation. Only saving and import/export are disabled.Finally, it's an app written by musicians for musicians!
Chord Progression Maker 1.0.6
Basis Five
Create any chord progression and play it with one of the 128instruments available. With this app you can create your ownlibrary of chord progressions, and explore the limitlesspossibilities of harmony. It's for both musicians and anyoneinterested to learn about harmony. A chord progression is asequence of chords, for example C-G-Am-F and can be of any length.This app supports all the types of chords. You can set the tempo(the speed) and the time signature (for example 4/4 or 6/8). In themain screen you can see the chord progression you are working onshowed in two different representations: as a sequence of buttons(one for each chord) that you can press to change the value and thetype of the chord they refer to, and also as a traditional staffnotation, so as to see exactly what are the notes that compose thechords. The buttons' width are proportional to the chords' value,so, for example, a 1-bar chord occupies the whole screen width,while shorter chords only a portion of it. This way you can have animmediate and accurate representation of your chord progression.The chords placed on the staff are touch sensitive: touch a chordand you will hear that chord play. Or, press the Play button thehear the whole sequence from scratch. The progressions areautomatically saved. Your can explore any combination of chordseasily and with a lot of fun. If you need to import your work toanother device, you can do that! Press "Export all", in the olddevice, then copy and paste the backup file and finally press"Import all" on the new device. With the wish you can find this appuseful, creative and educational. For info/ Thank you!
Music writer - Midi sequencer 1.0.7
Basis Five
Create your own music and songs and play with a multi-track MIDIsequencer. Turn your ideas into full songs; write and modifysections, chords, notes, and drum hits, quickly and productively.Immerse yourself in your music, make a song and play with more thanone hundred instruments. It combines several tools to let youquickly shape your songs while exploring different ideas. Forexample you can try out different harmonies of a song section:write it once and hear how it sounds when played in different chordprogressions, with the one-of-its kind feature of automaticharmonic transposition. It includes a step sequencer for drum hits,a piano roll editor for detailed note editing, a rhythm editor totry out different rhythm alternatives. Plus, organize your songinto sections and modify and repeat them at will. You will beamazed how fast, easy and fun writing music can be with this app.The sounds are produced by the MIDI synthesizer of your device, soyou can choose among all the 128 instruments specified by theGeneral MIDI standard, which include many types of guitars, basses,pianos, brasses, strings, pads, synthesizers, percussion, woods andsome effects. FEATURES - Multi-track sequencer; - 6 differenteditors; - 128 instruments; - Mixer to program each track'sinstrument and volume, and to mute/solo the tracks; - AutomaticHarmonic Transposition: lets you apply different chord progressionsto the music you are writing, so as to choose whatever sounds best;- Metronome; - Playing range selection; - Save and reuse groups ofbars and chord progressions in other songs and/or tracks; - Quicklycopy and modify a section or an entire song; - Automatic saving ateach modification of your composition; - Export to MIDI format: youcan import the .mid file generated to your preferred DAW and takeit to the next level, with further sound processing; - Export allyour songs, groups of bars, and chord progressions into theexternal memory of your device, so you can import all your libraryto another device, or make a backup copy of your work; - Importfrom the external memory (what you have previously exported); -In-depth integrated user manual, with everything explained. MUSICEDITORS - Song Section Editor: to organize the sections (verses,choruses, etc.); - Chords Editor: to write chord progressions; -Tracks Editor: to organize the bars of the multi-track sequencer; -Notes Editor: to write notes into the tracks; - Drums Editor: stepsequencer for percussive sounds; - Rhythm Editor: to write chordsbased on rhythm; WHAT THIS APP IS: - Simply put: it's a tool towrite and make music (your own music!) and we think it's quite goodat it! - It assists your music-writing creative process, frominitial ideas to complete songs; - You can use it for any type ofmusic compositions, and it's particularly suited to songs; - Youcan use it alone, or in combination with a DAW: first write amulti-track MIDI file, then import it in your DAW to apply audioeffects and do more elaborate mixing; - The benefits of using thisapp relative to another music editor is that it does things fromthe music composer point of view, rather than the sound/mixingengineer; WHAT THIS APP IS NOT: - It's not a tool to automaticallygenerate music from loops or algorithms, you are regarded as amusic composer, not just a user; - It's not a one-fit-all tool: itexcels in the creative, music-writing part of your work. WHO CANBENEFIT FROM THIS APP: - Musicians, songwriters, composers, anyonewho enjoys writing, composing and making music. You don't need tobe a professional musician to use this app, but it's better if youknow at least the basics of music theory (but don't worry if youdon't because this app can be an invaluable learning tool for you).This free version is fully functional so you can make a fullevaluation. Only saving and import/export are disabled. Finally,it's an app written by musicians for musicians!
Vocal Tuner, Voice Training 1.2.12
Basis Five
The ability to sing in tune on single notes is fundamental forevery singer. This app allows you to measure the intonation of yourvoice while you sing on single notes. The intonation is measuredvery precisely, in terms of cents, that is one hundredth ofsemitone. Using the app is very easy: Start singing any note withinyour vocal range. You will see a graph showing the variations ofyour voice's pitch in time. As soon as the app recognizes the noteyou are trying to sing, it starts calculating the error between theperfect pitch and your voice's pitch. When you stop singing (youcan sing as long as you wish), the app shows the whole graphclassifying the sections of perfect intonation (in green with errorless than 10 cents), medium intonation error (in yellow with errorbetween 10 and 25 cents), and high error (in red, with errorgreater than 25 cents). At this point you can start singing a newnote in your vocal range. The average intonation error for eachnote you sing is automatically stored. You can see your overallperformance on the "Performance" page, where it's showed a pianokeyboard whose notes are marked with the precision you were able tosing that note. La capacità di cantare intonati su singole note èfondamentale per ogni cantante. Questa applicazione consente dimisurare l'intonazione della tua voce mentre canti singole note.L'intonazione viene misurata con estrema precisione, in termini dicentesimi di semitono (cents). Utilizzare l'app è molto semplice:inizia a cantare una qualunque nota all'interno della tuaestensione vocale. Mentre canti vedrai un grafico che mostra lepiccolissime variazioni di intonazione della voce nel tempo. Nonappena l'applicazione riconosce la nota che stai cantando, inizia acalcolare l'errore tra l'intonazione perfetta e quella prodottadalla tua voce. Quando smetti di cantare (puoi tenere la nota peril tempo che preferisci), l'applicazione mostra l'intero graficodell'intonazione, mostrando l'errore commesso con colore diverso inbase all'entità dell'errore: si vedrà in verde le sezioni conperfetta intonazione (con errore inferiore a 10 centesimi), ingiallo le sezioni con errore medio (tra 10 e 25 cents), e in rossole sezioni con errore elevato (maggiore di 25 centesimi). A questopunto si può iniziare a cantare una nuova nota nella vostra gammavocale. L'errore medio di intonazione, per ogni nota cantata, vieneautomaticamente memorizzato. Puoi vedere le tua capacità diintonazione complessiva nella pagina "Performance", dove vienemostrata una tastiera di pianoforte le cui note sono contrassegnatecon l'errore di intonazione con cui hai cantanto ciascuna nota.This app helps improve your voice's intonation. It's your personalvocal coach to bring along in any circumstance. For suggestions,please write at: Thank you
Vocalist, Singing Exercises 1.0.5
Basis Five
With this app you can train your voice to singwith the correct intonation. The method is very simple buteffective: for every note in your vocal extension, you first listento the correct pitch, then sing that note, and, while you aresinging, the app analyzes the pitch produced by your voice andmeasures the distance to the correct pitch. In this way you know ifyou are singing too low, too high, or just right. By accurately,quickly, and continuously measuring the pitch of your voice, theapp gives you the tool to promptly adjust your intonation in realtime, and consequently become aware of the correct pitch. In time,it should become natural for you to sing in tune on every note inyour vocal range.It is possible to sing notes directly, without listening to thecorrect reference pitch prior to singing. This allows you to testyour intonation capability in more difficult conditions, similar towhat you face when singing a song.The intonation accuracy is measured very precisely, in terms ofsemitone cents. The intonation is considered good if the distanceto the correct pitch is less than 10 cents.In the performance page you can review the average intonationerrors you made for every note you have sung in the session.The app works both in manual mode and in shuffle mode. In manualmode you choose the notes to sing by pressing the correspondingsound pad. In shuffle mode the notes are randomly chosen from a setthat you determined in the settings page. In this case the app asksyou to sing a new note as soon as you stop singing the previousone.For any problem you can be automatically reimbursed within 15minutes from purchase, or by sending an email to info@basisfive.comthereafter.We wish you to improve your singing skills with this app!
Guitar Tuner 1.0.2
Basis Five
An instrument tuner suitable to tune a variety of musicalinstruments, including: - Guitars (6 strings); - Basses (4strings); - Bowed instruments (violin, viola, cello, andcontrabass). - Other instruments. When you launch the app, itautomatically starts listening to your environment for any soundand immediately recognizes the notes you play. So there's no needfor you to preselect the note to tune. The pitch is measured veryaccurately, at the resolution of one cent (one hundredth of asemitone). You can see the pitch both as absolute frequency (inHertz) and as relative frequency from the correct pitch, with thedifference calculated in cents. Any difference of +/- 10 cents isacceptable to the average ear. It always uses the correcttemperament system. For guitar and bass, it uses the equaltemperament system, for the violin, viola, and cello it uses theperfect-pitch system, while for the contrabass is uses theperfect-fourth system. For instance, assuming A4 = 440Hz, the noteG3 has a correct pitch of 196Hz on the second open string of theguitar, and a 195.6Hz, on the open G string of the violin. If youneed to tune a bowed instrument to the equal temperament system,you can do that too, simply select your desired tuning system. Fornon string instruments (flute, clarinet, and so on) you will needto use the equal temperament system, which is the app's defaultsetting. String instruments can benefit from a page that summarizesall your instrument's strings tuning in one place, so it will beeasier for you to see if your instrument is correctly tuned. Switchto this page by simply tapping on the "Open strings" button at thebottom of the screen. The reference frequency of the middle A (A4),which is normally set to 440Hz, is adjustable, in the range 410Hz -470Hz. Buy with confidence, if for any reason you don't like it,you can have a refund directly from Google Play within two hoursfrom purchase. After two hours, I will issue a full refund to notcompletely satisfied users when you write at